
Showing posts from 2020
TYPES OF LAYOUT IN MANUFACTURING PROCESS  Product Layout (or Line Layout) In this type of layout, all the machines are arranged in the sequence, as required to produce a specific product. It is called line layout because machines are arrange in a straight line Process Layout (or Functional Layout) In this type of layout, all machines performing similar type of operations are grouped at one location i.e. all lathes, milling machines etc. are grouped in the shop and they will be clustered in like groups. Combination Layout In practice, plants are rarely laid out either in product or process layout form. Generally a combination of the two basic layouts is employed; to derive the advantages of both systems of layout. For example, refrigerator manufacturing uses a combination layout. Fixed Position Layout It is also called stationary layout. In this type of layout men, materials and machines are brought to a product that remains in one place owing to its size. Ship-building, air-craft manuf

LIDAR and radar

Radar Radar stands for radio detection and ranging .Radar uses radio can find them in sysytem like adaptive cruise control,blind spot warning,collision warning and collision avoidance.Even though radar is a nature technology,it still gets improved all the time to make it even more powerful.while other sensors measure velocity.radar uses something called dopler effect to measure speed directly.The dopler effect measure the change in frequency of the radar waves based on whether the object is moving from you or toward you.This is kind of how a fire engine siren will differently depending on whether the fire engine is moving away from you or toward you.The dopler effect is important for sensor fusion because it give us the velocity as an independent measure parameter and it makes the fusion algorithm coverage much faster.Radar can also be used for localization by generating radar maps of the environment because Radar waves bounce the hard surface,they can provide the object